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esfera city center

  • 12 retractable roof elements

  • 26 tons per module

  • independent control system




Year of construction 2015

Surface area 1200 m² / 12’000 sq.ft.

Material Serfe Ferrari PVC

Location Monterrey, Mexico

This project was born from a necessity to contribute to the open space concept of a contemporary shopping center development in Monterrey. To achieve the best results a series of climate studies and simulations were performed to determine a type of a cover structure and its’ functions. As a result, we came up with a retractable, or better say movable, structure which modules are independently controlled and can be opened at a specific hour of a day to provide air circulation and shadow at the same time


Este proyecto nace de la necesidad de crear unos de los primeros centro comerciales abiertos en Monterrey, para esto se realizo una serie de estudios climáticos que ayudaron a determinar el tipo de cubierta y las funciones que esta debería de tener, dando como resultado una cubierta con elementos abatibles que permiten que el edificio pueda tener un cambio natural de aire y al mismo tiempo proteger de la entrada del sol durante algunas horas del día.


The obvious challenge we faced was solving a retractable and structural system at the same time. A central truss is a combination of typical elements and works as a “spine” of the project. Retractable elements of 32 meters wide and 18 meters long have a unique structural solution: a combination of steel plates and custom-designed pneumatic pistons that can withdraw all external loads while the module is fully opened considering its weight if 26 tons.

As a benefit visitors can enjoy the view while these huge roof elements open and close, the whole process itself turns into a show and one of the main attractions


Los elementos abatibles además se convierten en un espectáculo para el visitante al ver mover las velas de 18 x 32 m y 26 toneladas de acero que giran sobre dos apoyos con un mecanismo hidráulico desarrollado para este proyecto especifico por el equipo de Technotense